What is Club YES?

cropped-download18.jpgWow! For those of you who know us….WOW! What a journey we have all been on these past three years and for those who are just learning about us then I am so happy you are here. There is not doubt in my mind that you have been searching and that is why God led you to this specific page at this specific time. If there is one thing we have all learned to trust in, it is Gods perfect timing. We see it all the time being in a ministry like this! Club YES (youth empowerment services) is a mobile ministry for homeless and in need youth all over Middle Tennessee. We started two years ago around this time (Thanksgiving) when I was running another community outreach called The Cupcake Crew. We worked with schools and organizations to organize community service projects for kids in order give back to local heroes. Right after Thanksgiving I received an email that will FOREVER change my life. It was from the ESP (extended school program) Director. We had worked with that school many times before but this time she was asking for very specific help. I was so naive at the time but that particular school had almost 50 homeless students. She asked for help because when they casually asked them what they wanted for Christmas, the children gave them answers they were not expecting! One boy asked for someone to eat lunch with him, one boy wanted someone to throw the ball with, two sisters wanted their nails painted. In reality they didn’t want “stuff”. They wanted love and time with someone. THIS BROKE MY HEART! We received the email on a Friday afternoon and I cried all weekend. With the power of Facebook we have 50 plus people eager to help by Monday. We didnt know exactly what we would do but we knew we had to do something! Well now we are two years into this mission and we seem to change and grow and do whatever is needed at anytime.

Club YES is a mobile Christian ministry giving schools, counselors, shelters, churches and individuals resources to help these kids that often fall through the cracks. We learned that even with so many resources here there are hundreds of kids going hungry, going without clothes or shoes that fit or even a bed to sleep on! Why? Well most resources require the parents seek out the help or they require personal information. Thats where we fit in. We fill the gaps for the kids and we find the kids forgotten to let them know that they are loved by God and their community. Schools and organizations can contact us with needs and if we are able to,  we will fill those needs with no personal information needed. We hear from teachers constantly with students who smell from lack of hygiene care or their shoes are duck taped on to their feet or are going hungry on weekends and school breaks when there are no regular meals being provided. Thanks to our 24 hour supply closet and our relationship with Feed America First and our amazing volunteers we can deliver right to the school! Below is a list of current projects and services offered! We are a grass roots, community effort and we are 100% volunteer based meaning none of our board is on a payroll. Your donations are used to go towards helping these children eat, receive clothing and most importantly the gospel. We post lots of activity on Fabcebook so dont forget to like us!

Sunday Mornings:

We teamed up with The Experience Community Church. They host breakfast in the park on Sunday Mornings for the homeless, many of them sleeping in our local woods. We host the Childrens Church area and are out there regardless of the weather, often needing to provide coats, blankets, hats, etc to keep these kids warm.

Monday nights:

At least every other Monday Night and often a few times a week we work with the kids at the emergency mobile shelter, Way of Hope. We provide field trips, play dates, bible studies, meals and more to help these kids who sleep on the floors of different churches each night.

Thursday nights:

We teach a bible study class for 2-5th graders through Inner City Ministries at Stones River Church of Christ

Friday Mornings:

Feeding Fridays! We pick up from Feed America First and work with local school counselors to get food to children who would go hungry over the weekends. During school breaks we deliver to the children ourselves and have regular routes at local motels, campsites, shelters, etc…

Safe House:

Sometimes there are situations where children may need a night or two in a safe place and we are able to open our homes to them even if its just a slumber party and a nice break from the shelter or motel.


This is the time of year that started it all for us and we have a very fun and unique tradition! We host Operation Christmas Cheer and surprise the children who are without any presents. Santa and a caravan of 12 or more cars make their way around Middle Tennessee and visit the kids left behind to give them back the magic of Christmas! Can you imagine? Waking up to nothing and then…wait….whats that…….is that…it’s SANTA! On Christmas Morning! We will see hundreds of children  who were not signed up for adoption programs and face dangerous situations on a daily basis. We hope to give them some joy in life again and hope through our Lord and Savior and help in any other ways needed.

24 hour supply closet:

We keep clothing, shoes, toys, toiletries and food on hand 24/7 and it is available to any child in need with no paperwork or personal info needed. This service is often used by shelters, social workers and teachers.

We follow the Holy Spirit daily and work togehter to further his kingdom and to care for His children. These are just some of the paths he has us on currently. If you would like to help by sponsoring monetarily or volunteering or donating needed items like clothing please click on the contact us link or txt Tairra at 615-796-8001


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